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klíma: klímaváltozás

Riezing Norbert (2024): Aszály a Vértesben. DINPI facebook post 2024
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Dean, C. & Wardell-Johnson, G. (2010): Old-growth forests, carbon and climate change: Functions and management for tall open-forests in two hotspots of temperate Australia. Plant Biosystems 144(1): 180-193. 2010
Kardol, P., Todd, D. E., Hanson, P. J. & Mulholland, P. J. (2010): Long-term successional forest dynamics: species and community responses to climatic variability. Journal of Vegetation Science 21: 627-642. 2010
Kleinbauer, I., Dullinger, S., Peterseil, J. & Essl, F. (2010): Climate change might drive the invasive tree Robinia pseudacacia into nature reserves and endangered habitats. Biological Conservation 143: 382-390. 2010
Lenoir, j., Gégout, J. C., Dupouey, J. L., Bert, D. & Svenning, J.-C. (2010): Forest plant community changes during 1989-2007 in response to climate warming in the Jura Mountains (France and Switzerland). Journal of Vegetation Science 21: 949-964. 2010
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Ryan, M.G., Harmon, M.E., Birdsey, R.A., Giardina, C.P., Heath, L.S., Houghton, R.A., Jackson, R.B., McKinley, D.C., Morrison, J.F., Murray, B.C., Pataki, D.E. & Skog, K.E. (2010): A Synthesis of the Science on Forests and Carbon for U.S. Forests. IE:13 2010
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