Ortmann-Ajkai Adrienn (2002): Transitory vegetation types: A case study from riverine forests. Acta Bot. Hung. 44(3-4):335-346.


More vegetation mappers recognise the importance of vegetation types not determinable with classical coenotaxa. Vegetation map and relevés in Vajszló forest (Dráva lowlands) were made in 1994–98. Dominant vegetation types are Fraxino pannonicae-Carpinetum, Scillo vindobonensi-Ulmetum and transitory stands between the two, which occupy remarkable area, because of continually changing water supply, manifold transitory situation (between zones of hardwood riverine and hornbeam-oak forests with strong montane and Illyrian effects), anthropogenic activity (water control for the last 200 years, forestry for the last 100 years). Vegetation types, recognisable in the field, were determined as “oak-ash-elm riverine”, “hornbeam-oak” or “transitory” according to 22 points of view, regarding species composition, ecological indicator values, site characteristics and multifactorial evaluation. Statistical analyses did not separate the two communities, but proved the existence of a some hundred metres wide transitory zone, whose surface is 30% of the whole study area.

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Ortmann-Ajkai Adrienn