Standovár, T. & Kenderes, K. (2003): A review on natural stand dynamics in beechwoods of East Central Europe. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 1(1-2): 19-46., Penkala Bt., Budapest


A review on natural stand dynamics in beechwoods of East Central Europe
T. Standovár, K. Kenderes

This paper aims to present a review on the natural stand dynamics as recorded in 'virgin' and other untreated beech forest reserves in East Central Europe. This information can contribute to defining the reference point for nature-based management of beech forests. Topics covered include: distribution of beech, major beech forest types, growth characteristics, seed production and survival, germination and establishment, growth and mortality patterns during development, regeneration cycles, dead wood and herbaceous vegetation dynamics. Based on the analyses of scientific traditions, strengths and weaknesses of available information, recommendations for future research activities are also formulated.


A review on natural stand dynamics in beechwoods of East Central Europe
T. Standovár, K. Kenderes

Beech in East Central Europe
Status of beechwoods in East Central Europe
Climatic and other factors limiting beech in East Central Europe
Main beech forest types
-Carpathian Province
-Central European Province
-Pannonic Province
Characteristics of beech and its associates
Growth performance
Regeneration characteristics
-Seed production and dispersal
-Seed predation and mortality of young seedlings
-Germination and initial establishment
Development of seedling
-Information from managed forests
-Information from unmanaged forests
Regeneration cycles in natural forests
Major characteristics of existing researches
-Naturalness of sites
-Scientific approaches
Important results
-Stand development
-Dead wood
-Herbaceous vegetation
Future tasks

Fagus sylvatica, forest dynamics, virgin forest

Címszavazva - VA

ER Archívum (2003/P-012/1, 2003/P-012/2)
Első szerző
Standovár Tibor