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Parviainen, J. et al (2000): Forest Reserves Research Network in Europe; Mission, Goals...COST action E4. Finland


Cost is a framework for scientific and technical co-operation, allowing the co-ordination of national programmes on a European level. Within this framework, financial support is given for the organisation of meetings, specific coordination tasks and for Short Term Scientific Missions. The research to be co-ordinated is funded nationally.
The Cost Action E4:
Forest Research Network was establised by the COST Commission in 1995 in order to promote the research of "natural" forests. The objectives were to create a European network of forest reserves, to collect ongoing research, to standardise research methodology and to create an accessible central data bank. Results are important for the application of ecologically-oriented silviculture and for forest protection network planning. The duration of the action was 4 years, ending in November 1999.

ER Archívum (2000/D-021/1, 2000/D-021/2)