Parker, J. L., Mowrey, R. A., Hansen, G. M., Bell, B. J. [eds.] (1979): Wildlife Habitats in Managed Forests the Blue Mountains of Oregon and Washington (Agriculture Handbook No. 553)


Wildlife Habitats in Managed Forests the Blue Mountains of Oregon and Washington

Jack Ward Thomas
Technical Editor
Agriculture Handbook No. 553
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Forest Service
Published in cooperation with the
Wildlife Management Institute
Washington, D.C.
and the
U.S. Department of Interior
Bureau of Land Management
September 1979

Editors: J. Louise Parker, Robert A. Morwey, George M. Hansen, Betty J. Bell


Wildlife Habitats in Managed Forests the Blue Mountains of Oregon and Washington

Jack Ward Thomas
Technical Editor
Agriculture Handbook No. 553
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Forest Service
Published in cooperation with the
Wildlife Management Institute
Washington, D.C.
and the
U.S. Department of Interior
Bureau of Land Management
September 1979

Editors: J. Louise Parker, Robert A. Morwey, George M. Hansen, Betty J. Bell

Chapter 1: Introduction (Jack Ward Thomas)
Chapter 2: Plant Communities and Successional Stages (Jack Ward Thomas, Rodney J. Miller, Chris Maser, Ralph G. Anderson, Bernie E. Carter)
Chapter 3: Riparian Zones (Jack Ward Thomas, Chris Maser, Jon E. Rodiek)
Chapter 4: Edges (Jack Ward Thomas, Chris Maser, Jon E Rodiek)
Chapter 5: Snags (Jack Ward Thomas, Ralph G. Anderson, Chris Maser, Evelyn L. Bull) - ER Archívum (1979/P-003)
Chapter 6: Dead and Down Woody Material (Chris Maser; Ralph G. Anderson; Kermit Cromack, Jr.; Jerry T. Williams; Robert E. Martin) - ER Archívum (1979/P-002)
Chapter 7: Cliffs, Talus, and Caves (Chris Maser, Jon E. Rodiek, Jack Ward Thomas)
Chapter 8: Deer and Elk (Jack Ward Thomas; Hugh Black, Jr.; Richard J. Scherzinger; Richard J. Pedersen)
Chapter 9: Silvicultural Options (Frederick C. Hall, Jack Ward Thomas)
Chapter 10: Impacts on Wood Production (Herbert L. Wick, Paul R. (Rod) Canutt)
Appendix 1: 378 wildlife species of the Blue Mountains listed in phylogenetic sequence by common and scientific names (van másolat)
Appendix 2: Alphabetical computer codes for 378 wildlife species in the Blue Mountains
Appendix 3: 51 wildlife species found in the Blue Mountains during migration of "accidental" in the area
Appendix 4: 137 wildlife species in the Blue Mountains of "special interest"
Appendix 5: Common and scientific names of plants and insects mentioned in text and appendices
Appendix 6: Composite occurence and orientation list for 378 wildlife species in the Blue Mountains (van másolat)
Appendix 7: Life form descriptions (van másolat)
Appendix 8: Wildlife orientation to plant communities by life form (van másolat)
Appendix 9: Wildlife orientation to successional stages by life form (van másolat)
Appendix 10: Relative degree of use by the life form of indicated plant communities and successional stages (van másolat)
Appendix 11: Summary of wildlife species associated with each successional stage by plant community (van másolat)
Appendix 12: Versatility ratings of 326 wildlife species (van másolat)
Appendix 13: Life form versatility rating summary (van másolat)
Appendix 14: Wildlife orientation to special and unique habitats (components) (van másolat)
Appendix 15: Number of wildlife species using each special and unique habitat (component) (van másolat)
Appendix 16: Additional habitat considerations for 378 wildlife species of the Blue Mountains listed in phylogenetic sequence by common name (van másolat)
Appendix 17: Wildlife species that use tree cavities-primary occurence by major habitat (plant community) (van másolat)
Appendix 18: Tree species preferred for nesting by woodpeckers in the Pacific Northwest, with particular reference to the Blue Mountains (van másolat)
Appendix 19: Wildlife species that use cavities-minimum d.b.h. for nesting and minimum nesting heights (van másolat)
Appendix 20: Types of cavities and specific wildlife uses (van másolat)
Appendix 21: Woodpecker territory sizes, maximum densities, cavities excavated per year, and nest tree sizes (van másolat)
Appendix 22: Specific hard snag requirements for woodpeckers by plant community (van másolat)
Appendix 23: Generalized snag management requirements for woodpeckers by plant community (van másolat)
Appendix 24: Wildlife uses of downed logs (van másolat)
Appendix 25: Descriptions of land-types on National Forests in the Blue Mountains (van másolat)
Appendix 26: Elk use related to cover-forage area ratios by land-type (van másolat)
Appendix 27: Deer use related to cover-forage area ratios by land-type
Appendix 28: Deer and elk use responses to alternations in cover-forage area ratios by land-type (van másolat)
Appendix 29: Selected representative references for 378 wildlife species occuring in the Blue Mountains (van másolat)
Appendix 26:

References Cited
Photo Credits

Címszavazva - VA

ER Archívum (1979/P-001)
Első szerző
Parker, J. Louise