MCPFE (2005): MCPFE Work Programme. Updated edition, Warszawa, Poland


MCPFE Work Programme
Pan-European Follow-up of the Fourth Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe
28-30 April 2003, Vienna, Austria
Adopted at the MCPFE Expert Level Meeting
16-17 October 2003, Vienna, Austria
Updated at the MCPFE Expert Level Meeting
14-15 October 2004, Warsaw, Poland
Updated edition - October, 2005


MCPFE Work Programme
Pan-European Follow-up of the Fourth Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe
28-30 April 2003, Vienna, Austria
Adopted at the MCPFE Expert Level Meeting
16-17 October 2003, Vienna, Austria
Updated at the MCPFE Expert Level Meeting
14-15 October 2004, Warsaw, Poland
Updated edition - October, 2005

MCPFE Resolutions 1990-2003
Implementation of the Strasbourgh, Helsinki and Lisbon Resolutions
Implementation of the Vienna Commitments
Vienna Resolution 1 - Strenghten Synergies for Sustainable Forest Management in Europe through Cross-sectoral Co-operation and National Forest Programmes
Vienna Resolution 2 - Enhancing Economic Viability of Sustainable Forest Management in Europe
Vienna Resolution 3 - Preserving and Enhancing the Social and Cultural Dimensions of Sustainable Forest Management in Europe
Vienna Resolution 4 - Conserving and Enhancing Forest Biological Diversity in Europe
Vienna Resolution 5 - Climate Change and Sustainable Forest Management in Europe
Regular MCPFE Work
List of abbreviations
List of websites
Annex 1: Vienna declaration and Vienna resolutions
Annex 2: Improved pan-European indicators for sustainable forest management
Annex 3: Chairman's summary1 of the multi-stakeholder dialogue

Címszavazva - VA

ER Archívum (2005/P-006)
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