Gilg, O. (2005): Old-Growth Forests. Characteristics, conservation and monitoring. Habitat and species management. Technical report 74.


Old-Growth Forests. Characteristics, conservation and monitoring.
Habitat and species management. Technical report 74.

Part one: Old-growth forest
1. Introduction
2. What is and old-growth forest?
2.1. Several definitions
2.2. Complex functioning
2.2.1. The unit of regeneration and the sylvatic mosaic
2.2.2. Silvigenetic phases and cycles
2.2.3. Architectural approach
2.2.4. Disturbances: driving forces of forest dynamics
2.2.5. Main types of forest structures in France
2.2.6. Silviculture put to the test by silvigenesis
2.2.7. Dead wood, source of life
2.2.8. Dead wood dynamics and decomposition rate
2.3. The last virgin forests of Europe
2.3.1. Areas in constant decline
2.3.2. Insufficient protection
2.3.3. High places
2.3.4. Old-growth forests and French nature reserves
2.3.5. Endangered species
3. Naturalness: utopia or ecological panacea?
3.1. Naturalness or the impact of humans on forests
3.2. Active or passive management? From theory to practice ...
3.3. Naturalness and biodiversity: contradictory or complementary concepts?
3.4. How can one measure naturalness?
3.4.1. Paleoecology
3.4.2. Synchronic approaches
3.4.3. Catalogues of forest stands
3.4.4. Predictive models
3.4.5. Empirical approaches
Part two: Conservation and monitoring of old-growth forests
4. Protecting old-growth forests
4.1. Multi-functional forests
4.1.1. Outdoor laboratories
4.1.2. "Noah's Arks" for biodiversity
4.1.3. Carbon sinks
4.1.4. Vehicles of development
4.1.5. Getting in touch with our roots
4.2. Multiple threats
4.3. Conservation strategies
4.3.1. What are the objectives?
4.3.2. Fragmentation: from island theory ...
4.3.3. ... to metapopulations
4.3.4. Towards a network of protected old-growth forests
4.3.5. What should be the minimum size of forest reserves?
4.3.6. Ageing islands: archipelago of naturalness or floating islands?
5. Studying old-growth forests
5.1. Choosing and evaluating management methods
5.2. Comparative studies
5.3. The forest
5.3.1. Stand structure and forest dynamics
5.3.2. Dead wood
5.4. Species and communities
5.4.1. Vascular flora and description of forest habitats
5.4.2. Bryophytes, lichens, fungi and forest continuity
5.4.3. Saproxylic insects and diversity of micro-habitats
5.4.4. Birds and structure of forest stands
5.4.5. Mammals and fragmentation of forest massifs
5.4.6. Other examples ...
6. Other perspectives for managers
6.1. Destroying the myths
6.1.1. Is forestry compulsory?
6.1.2. Insect pests
6.1.3. Hazardous trees
6.2. Protecting old-growth forests
6.3. Restoring the naturalness of our forests
6.3.1. Conversion management
6.3.2. "Restoring" managed forests
6.3.3. Conserving dead trees
6.3.4. Reintroducing saproxylic species?
6.4. Certification of sustainably managed forests
6.5. Evolving our ways of thinking
6.6. Exchanging our experiences
6.7. What forests do we want for the future?
7. Glossary
8. Bibliography

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ER Archívum (2005/P-003)
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Gilg, Olivier