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European Commission (2008): Management of Natura 2000 habitats. Luzulo-Fagetum beech forests 9110. Technical Report 22/24.


Thauront M. & Stallegger M. (2008): Management of Natura 2000 habitats. 9110 Luzulo-Fagetum beech forests. European Commission
Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora

Luzulo-Fagetum is one of the most widespread habitat types in Central and Northern Europe. It occurs mostly in continental areas, typically on acid and nutrient-poor soils. This type of forest is dominated by Fagus sylvatica (beech) with Quercus petraea (sessile oak) at collinear level and Abies alba (silver fir) and/or Picea abies (spruce) in mountainous areas.
It ranges from plains to hills on lowlands and from sub-mountainous to high-mountainous levels on uplands. Owing to the dense shadow cast by beech, the understory is sparse and the floral diversity rather poor. The presence of decaying and dead wood is an important indicator of habitat quality, providing shelter for numerous saproxylic beetles, birds, bats and mosses listed in Annex II or IV of the Habitats Directive.
Within the general European context, management of Luzulo-Fagetum beech forest may be linked to several strategic issues, such as natural regeneration, recovery of typical species, diversification of both horizontal and vertical structures, encouraging species diversity, i.e. mixed stands, precautions regarding infrastructures, specific biodiversity measures, e.g. maintaining dead wood, etc.
Faced with threat of afforestation with non-native trees, the guidelines focus on favouring indigenous species, local ecotypes and rare tree species and mixed species stands. As regards structure, it is advisable to maintain heterogeneity (vertical and horizontal) and good connectivity for species with low dispersal capability. On a landscape scale, it is advisable to have several regimes (reserves, coppices, even-aged stands, uneven-aged stands) in a mosaic, which could be achieved by creating more small cutting and regeneration areas.
It is advisable to develop microhabitats, such as mega-trees and old trees, and decaying or dead wood to increase forest biodiversity and provide suitable habitat for species of European interest. Depending on the Member State, recommended volume of decaying or dead wood on a forest stand and distribution within the forest may differ.
Other guidelines are also proposed regarding the management of ungulates, glades and ponds, roads and tracks, etc.


Thauront M. & Stallegger M. (2008): Management of Natura 2000 habitats. 9110 Luzulo-Fagetum beech forests. European Commission
Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora

1. Description of habitat and related species
Luzulo-Fagetum beech forests in Natura 2000 sites
Main habitat features, ecology and variability
Ecological requirements
Main subtypes identified
Species that depend on the habitat
Related habitats
Ecological services and benefits of the habitat
Spruce and other non-native tree plantations
Lack of horizontal heterogeneity
Lack of decaying wood
Deer density
Soil compaction
Climate change effects
2. Conservation management
General recommendations
Active management
Species diversity and genetic variability
Cutting and regeneration, silvicultural system, management of young stands
Development of microhabitats, mega-trees and old trees, decaying or dead wood
Edges, glades and open areas within forests, forest wetlands
Exploitation, forestry works and miscallaneous measures
Ungulate management
Beech forest restoration and recreation
Other relevant measures
Cost estimates and potential sources of EU financing
Specific cost features for the habitat
Potential sources of EU funds
3. References

Címszavazva - GE

ER Archívum (2008/P-030/1, 2008/P-030/2)