European Commission (2000): EUR 19550 - COST Action E4 - Forest reserves research network, Office for Official Publications of the EC, Luxembourg, pp. 377


A "COST Action E4 - Forest Reserves Research Network" projekt eredményeinek összefoglaló könyve.

- Preface (Parviainen)
- Final Report Summary: mission, goals, outputs, linkages, recommendations and ... (Parviainen et al.)
- WG1: Strict Forest Reserves in Europe and Forests Left to Free Deveopment ... (Bücking et al.)
- WG2: Recommendations for Data Collection in Forest Reserves ... (Hochbichler et al.)
- WG3: Forests Reserves Rsearch Network Databank (Paivinen et al.)
- WG3: Analysis of the Databank Contents (Schuck et al.)
- Annotated Bibliographies: Annotations to selected papers on ... (Bücking)

A résztvevő országok annotált bibliográfiájának szkennelt másolatait csatoltam.

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European Commission