Ugrás a tartalomra

Zboray, Zoltán, Tanács, Eszter & Bárány-Kevei, Ilona (2007): The accuracy and possible uses of a stand height map derived from a digital surface model. Proceedings of the ForestSat 2007 Conference (CD), Nov. 5-7 Montpellier, France


A szerzők ezt a munkát a 2006/2007-es ER baráti találkozón mutatták be körünkben. A ForestSat 2007 konferencián bemutatott előadás ennek továbbfejlesztett és publikált változata (lásd a csatolt állományt).


Stand height is a widely used index but it is rather time-consuming to obtain by field measurements and is often not available for larger areas as a continuous surface. In this paper we examine the possible uses and accuracy of DSMs created with the ATE and NGATE modules of a SOCET SET workstation in measuring stand height. We have created a stand height map for a sample area in the Bükk Mts for the years 1964 and 2004 in order to demonstrate the possible uses of such a time-series. Meanwhile we also examined the accuracy of the stand height map created for the Haragistya-Lófej Forest reserve, in Aggtelek Mountains. We compared the results of the automatic terrain extraction methods to manual photogrammetric measurements and the data of a field measurement. Our results show that both automatic terrain extraction methods give similar results to the manual photogrammetric measurements; however their accuracy depends much on stand type.

stand height, digital surface model, stereo-photogrammetry, automatic terrain extraction, állománymagasság, felületmodel, sztereó fotogrammetria

Címszavazva - VA

ER Archívum - digitális
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Zboray Zoltán