Ugrás a tartalomra

Koizumi, T., Okabe, K., Thompson, I., Sugimura, K., Toma, T. & Fujita, K. [eds.](2010): "The role of forest biodiversity in the sustainable use of ecosystem goods and services in agro-forestry, fisheries, and forestry". April 26-28, Tokyo, Japan


Koizumi, T., Okabe, K., Thompson, I., Sugimura, K., Toma, T. & Fujita, K. (eds.)(2010): "The role of forest biodiversity in the sustainable use of ecosystem goods and services in agro-forestry, fisheries, and forestry". Proceedings of International Symposium for the Convention on Biological Diversity. April 26-28, 2010, Tokyo, Japan, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Ibaraki, Japan, 106 p.


Koizumi, T., Okabe, K., Thompson, I., Sugimura, K., Toma, T. & Fujita, K. (eds.)(2010): The role of forest biodiversity in the sustainable use of ecosystem goods and services in agro-forestry, fisheries, and forestry. Proceedings of International Symposium for the Convention on Biological Diversity. April 26-28, 2010, Tokyo, Japan, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Ibaraki, Japan, 106 p.

Ecosystem services provided by forest biodiversity (Tohru Nakashizuka)
A synthesis on the biodiversity-resilience relationship in forest ecosystems (Ian Thompson, Brendan Mackey, Steven McNulty and Alex Mosseler)
Ensuring food production: native biodiversity provides pollination and biological control services (Jason M. Tylianakis)
Valuation and of ecosystem services: An assessment of conceptual underpinnings (Pushpam Kumar)
Conserving forest biodiversity and ecosystem services to agriculture (Kimiko Okabe)
The role of forests in capturing the ecosystem system service of pest control: a pathway to integrate pest control and biodiversity conservation (Nancy A. Schellhorn and Felix J.J.A. Bianchi)
Importance of diversity in foods and culture for sustainable resource use (Hiroyuki Matsuda)
Restoring biodiversity and forest ecosystem services in degraded tropical landscapes (John A. Parrotta)
Biodiversity of plantation forests and its relevance for ecosystem functioning (Eckehard G. Brockerhoff, Hervé Jactel, Jean-Michel Carnus, and Steve Pawson)
Tropical forest management and sustainability issues (Robert Nasi)
Sustainable forest management (SFM) and biological diversity under changing needs of society - an example from the European situation (Jari Parvianen)
How scientists can contribute to the CBD and the post-2010 targets: challenges in raising public awareness and lessons learned from NGO campaigns (Ryo Kohsaka)
Global forest biodiversity targets and the need for scientific monitoring (Johannes Stahl and Tim Christophersen)
The struggle to mitigate negative impacts of invasive alien species in Japan (Koichi Goka)
List of Reviewers

Címszavazva - GE

ER Archívum (2010/P-017)
Első szerző
Koizumi, T.