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Pilis-oldal Forest Reserve

ER-01 (HU)
core area: 44.9 ha; buffer zone: 123.2 ha; total area: 168.1 ha

In the core area of the forest reserve there are mainly middle-aged beech woodlands with homogeneous stand-structure and once overgrazed, overused, coppiced, closed and open Quercus pubescens woodlands and thermophilous Quercus pubescens stands. The forest has not yet (or just slightly) shown visible stand dynamics. Zoltán Somogyi, ERTI (Forest Research Institute) has established previously a small extent cut experiment (diameter of the microcut circles is about 1 tree height) in the beech forest of the buffer zone; part of these have been fenced subsequently to the exclusion of games. The game populations has been started to forced back in recent years to substantially lower the acorn eating and browsing pressures on natural regeneration processes. Fundamental change of recent years is that the forest manager (Pilisi Parkerdő Zrt.) has started to convert the managed beech forest stands of Pilis from cutting system to selection silviculture system (selection cutting and selection system), the stands have been opened patchily, with low intensity and multiple return, dense with "micro-gaps". Healthy and vigorous regeneration has grown up as a result in these gaps of the area. While the core area has shown characteristics of managed high forest abandoned, outside that, more similar to natural forest structure, diverse (selection) stand structure of forest is evolving. Therefore, it might have been worthwhile to carry out the ERDŐ+h+á+l+ó system-based HTV surveys - to comparative purpose - in certain parts of the buffer zone and of the managed forest.
Ferenc Horváth

"There are mainly middle-aged beech woodlands with homogeneous stand structure and once overgrazed, overused, coppiced, closed and open Quercus pubescens woodlands and thermophilous Quercus pubescens stands. The forest has not yet (or just slightly) shown visible dynamics. The game population is too large. Group-selection experiment has been started in the beech stands. The manager (Piliserdő Rt.) plans to convert the beech forests of the whole Pilis block to selection silviculture."
Horváth és Bölöni (2002) Az ER-ok kutatásszempontú besorolása és rövid jellemzése 1999-ben [Classification and brief description of the forest reserves in 1999 from the viewpoint of research]