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2024 |
Král, Přemysl, Jan Douda, Ferenc Horváth, Remigiusz Pielech, Michal Slezák (2023): Alder carrs in Central Europe - NERVE4 monitoring project. Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague |
2023 |
Szamosvári, Erik, László Nagy Heino Konrad, Norbert Móricz et al. (2023): Bilateral cooperation - Fostering the ability of native European beech and sessile oak forests in the border region against the impacts of climate change. RIO 9: e109816 |
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Illés, Gábor, Norbert Móricz (2022): Climate envelope analyses suggests significant rearrangements in the distribution ranges of Central European tree species. Annals of Forest Science 79:35 |
2022 |
Demeter, L, ÁP Molnár, K Öllerer, Gy Csóka, A Kiš, Cs Vadász, F Horváth, Zs Molnár (2021) Rethinking the natural regeneration failure of pedunculate oak: The pathogen mildew hypothesis. Biological Conservation 253, 108928 |
2021 |
Takács Rita, Tisza Balázs, Barabás Béla, Simó Tamás, Tóth Zsolt Marcell (2021): Amiről a fák suttognak/ What the Trees Whisper About. Filmdzsungel Stúdió, Budapest |
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2018 |
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2013 |
Horváth, F., A Bidló, B. Heil et al. (2012): Abandonment status and long-term monitoring of strict forest reserves in the Pannonian biogeographical region. Plant Biosystems 146(1): 189-200. |
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Brunialti, G., Frati, L., Aleffi, M., Marignani, M., Rosati, L., Burrascano, S. & Ravera, S. (2010): Lichens and bryophytes as indicators of old-growth features in Mediterranean forests. Plant Biosystems 144(1): 221-233. |
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