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Vétyem Forest Reserve

ER-36 (HU)
Vétyem Forest Reserve (Zalai-dombság)
core area: 31.0 ha; buffer zone: 152.3 ha; total area: 183.3 ha

"This reserve has two age groups (160 and 40 years); it is gap-forming (collinar), beech forest with varied structure, ERTI experimental area. More than half of the Hungarian beech woodlands have similar site features; therefore, the research results can be widely generalized."
Horváth és Bölöni (2002) Az ER-ok kutatásszempontú besorolása és rövid jellemzése 1999-ben [Classification and brief description of the forest reserves in 1999 from the viewpoint of research perspective]

Selected publications

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Year Reference
2025 Gálhidy László (2025): Szentélyerdők Magyarországon. WWF Magyarország, Budapest, 328 old.
2024 Keith, H., Kun, Z., Hugh, S. et al. (2024): Carbon carrying capacity in primary forests shows potential for mitigation achieving the European Green Deal 2030 target. Commun Earth Environ 5, 256.
2023 Szamosvári, Erik, László Nagy Heino Konrad, Norbert Móricz, Lambert Weißenbacher, Anita Bálint, Anikó Neuvirthné Bilics, Marcelo van Loo (2023): Bilateral cooperation - Fostering the ability of native European beech and sessile oak forests in the border region against the impacts of climate change. RIO 9: e109816
2018 Papp, Beáta, Erzsébet Szurdoki (2019): Bryophyte flora of the forests of Vétyem and Oltárc protected areas (Zala county, W Hungary). Studia bot. hung. 49(1): 83-96.
2018 Sabatini, FM, S Burrascano, WS Keeton, C Levers, M Lindner, F Pötzschner, PJ Verkerk, J Bauhus, E Buchwald, O Chaskovsky, N Debaive, F Horváth, M Garbarino, N Grigoriadis, F Lombardi, IM Duarte, P Meyer, R Midteng, S Mikac, M Mikolas, R Motta, G Mozgeris, L Nunes, M Panayotov, P Ódor, A Ruete, B Simovski, J Stillhard, M Svoboda, J Szwagrzyk, O-P Tikkanen, R Volosyanchuk, T Vrska, TM Zlatanov, and T Kuemmerle (2018) Where are Europe’s last primary forests? Diversity and Distributions 24(10): 1426-1439. doi:10.1111/ddi.12778
2018 Vandekerkhove, Kris, Margot Vanhellemont, Tomáš Vrška, Peter Meyer, Vath Tabaku, Arno Thomaes, Anja Leyman, Luc De Keersmaeker, Kris Verheyen (2018): Very large trees in a lowland old-growth beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) forest:
Density, size, growth and spatial patterns in comparison to reference sites in Europe. Forest Ecology and Management 417: 1-17.
2012 Papp Viktor és Siller Irén (2012): A Ganoderma cupreolaccatum (syn. G. pfeifferi) taxonómiai helyzete és magyarországi elterjedése - The Hungarian distribution and taxonomic status of Ganoderma cupreolaccatum (syn. G. pfeifferi). Poszterszekció 1. Gombarendszertan és ökológia - Poster session 1, Fungal systematics and ecology. Mikológiai Közlemények - Clusiana 51(1): 76-78.
2010 Král, Kamil, Tomás Vrska, Libor Hort, Dusan Adam and Pavel Samonil (2010): Developmental phases in a temperate natural spruce-fir-beech forest: determination by supervised classification method. Eur J Forest Res 129: 339-351.