Altogether 102 bryophyte taxa (13 liverworts and 89 mosses) were collected. Two species are protected in Hungary and included in the Red data book of European bryophytes. Several other species are red-listed in Hungary; one is in the data deficient (DD) category (without any recent records for almost 50 years), and two are vulnerable (VU). Further 14 species are near threatened (NT), 14 are in the least concern-need attention (LC-att) category, and 20 species are regarded as indicators, which by their mere presence represents a greater level of the conservation value of the habitat. From a nature conservation aspect the most important habitats are the humid valleys with temporary watercourses and the forests with rich epiphyte bryophyte flora.
Papp, Beáta, Erzsébet Szurdoki (2019): Bryophyte flora of the forests of Vétyem and Oltárc protected areas. Studia bot. hung. 49(1): 83-96.
ER Archívum - digitális
Strict forest reserves
First author
Papp Beáta