Bába Károly (1999): Ecological and zoogeographical comparative study of sand dunes in the Danube-Tisza Valley, Hungary, and Belgium and the Netherlands; Nachrichtenblatt der Ersten Vorarlberger Malakologischen Gesellschaft 7.: (19-30)


Snail assemblages in a vegetation successional series sand dures are compared in two regions of contrasting climates. For this, statistical methods and ecological and zoogeographical species groups are used. The malacofauna at the two sites appears identical at the p<0.001 level. As vegetation succession proceeds from grasslands to forests, the changes in the proportions of species groups closely follow successional stages and are similar for steppe- and forest dweller, and for omnivorous and herbivorous groups. Climatic influence is reflected in the dominance of subatlantic zoogeographical elements near the sea. It is due to the humid climate that species number, abundance and the length of the successional series increases from east to west.

ER Archívum (1999/P-024/1, 1999/P-024/2)
First author
Bába Károly