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Illés, G., G. Kovács, A. Bidló, B. Heil (2006): Digital Soil and Landsite Mapping in Forest Management Planning. Agrokémia és Talajtan 55(1): 99-108.


The current methodology of forest site evaluation has some challenging weaknesses, which may greatly influence the efficiency of both forest planning and forest management practice. This fact keeps us searching for new methods to overcome the difficulties. The present paper gives a short overview of our research on GIS based digital soil mapping techniques and their possible application in forestry, offering a powerful tool for forest site evaluation. The paper focuses on four main issues. First, the main weakness in site evaluation, second, methods of digital soil mapping, third, the description of the study areas and mapping procedures, and finally, the possible outcomes and the major directions of further development.


Három esettanulmány: Hangság, Széki-erdő (Bakony) és a felsőtárkányi Vár-hegy Erdőrezervátumra

ER Archívum - digitális
Strict forest reserves
First author
Illés Gábor