Voloscuk, Ivan (2004): Tree species composition of natural geobiocoenoses in forest types in Slovakia; vol. 31, no. 2. (2004): 122-135; Folia Oecologica


The proposal of the target tree species composition for forest types in Slovakia suggested by Hancinsky (1972) is mainly based on commercial aspects of forest management. As a result, spruce is supported as a dominant woody plant in a number of forest types where this species is not autochthonous. Up to present, this proposal has been used as the general basis for all forest categories concerned in forest management. From the scientific point of view, however, it is not suitable for management of protection forests and special purpose forests situated in national parks and nature reserves. We presents here a proposal of nature-closed target composition consisting of indigenous tree species - founded on the author's authentic first-hand experience from survey of natural conditions and on the data provided by bibliographical resources. The proposal takes into account diverse habitat conditions in geobiocoenoses of forest types occurring in the territory of Slovakia, and is applicable to management of protection forests and special purpose forests. It can also serve as a methodical tool for determining ecological stability for all forest categories.

ER Archívum (2004/P-021/1, 2004/P-021/2)
First author
Voloscuk, Ivan