Thomas, J. W., Anderson, R. G., Maser, C. & Bull, E. L.˙(1979): Snags. In: Parker J. L. et al. (eds.) Wildlife Habitats in Managed Forests the Blue Mountains of Oregon and Washington (Agriculture Handbook No. 553)


Thomas, J. W., Anderson, R. G., Maser, C., Bull, E. L.: Snags. In: Parker J. L. et al. (eds.) Wildlife Habitats in Managed Forests the Blue Mountains of Oregon and Washington (Agriculture Handbook No. 553)

Types of Snags
Forest Insect Control
Snag Succession
Site Selection by Primary Excavators
Snag Requirements
Large Snags Can Be Substituted for Smaller Ones
Meeting Partial Requirements for Woodpeckers
Selecting a Population Level
Trees Preferred by Woodpeckers
Meeting Snag Requirements Over Time
Distribution of Snags in the Forest
The Bird Box Alternative
Cavity Nesters Are Vulnerable

Címszavazva - VA

ER Archívum (1979/P-003)
First author
Thomas, Jack Ward