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Borsa, M., Chifelea, C., Egerer, H., Gal, Z., Glowacki, W., Halas, M., Hopfgartner, V., Illes, I., Niewiadomski, Z., Ptacek, P. & Wiederwald, D. (2009): VASICA - Visions And Strategies In The Carpathian Area.


Visions And Strategies In The Carpathian Area
Protection and Sustainable Spatial Development of the Carpathians in a Transnational Framework


Visions And Strategies In The Carpathian Area
Protection and Sustainable Spatial Development of the Carpathians in a Transnational Framework

1 Introduction
2 About VASICA
3 The Carpathian Region in Europe
4 A Brief Analysis of the Carpathian Area
4.1 The SWOT Analysis
5 Strategic Objectives in the Carpathian Region
5.1 Strengthening The Internal Cohesion Of The Carpathian Area
5.2 Strengthening The Cohesion With Other Parts Of The European Territory
5.3 Promoting Economic Growth And Job Creation In The Carpathian Area
5.4 Improved Management Of The Environment And Natural-Cultural Heritage
6 Demography
6.1 Ethnic And Religious Affiliations
7 Agriculture in the Carpathian Region
7.1 The Situation And The Challenges
7.2 Policy Recommendations For The Agriculture of The Carpathian Area
7.2.1 The cooperation of Carpathian countries and regions in the field of agriculture
7.2.2 The protection and promotion of Carpathian mountain food products
7.2.3 Flexibility of EU CAP and national regulations in the Carpathian area
7.2.4 Diversification of mountain economy
8. Industry in the Carpathian Area
8.1 Situation And Challenges
8.1.1 Mining
8.1.2 Manufacturing
8.2 Policy Recommendations For The Industry Of The Carpathian Area
8.2.2 Conversion
8.2.3 Industrial diversification and the problem of the "one-factory-towns"
8.2.4. Promotion and support of SMEs
8.2.5 The Carpathian motor car industry cluster
9 Urban Network in the Carpathian Area
9.1 The Situation And Problems
9.1.1 Small towns
9.1.2 Large and medium cities
9.2 Policy Recommendations Concerning The Urban Network
9.2.1 Establishing a new urban-rural relationship
9.2.2 The role of the chain of "market cities"
9.2.3 The future of the EU and the Carpathian Cities
9.3 Transnational Cooperation In Urban Development
10 Cultural and Natural Heritage in the Carpathian Region
10.1 Situation And Problems
10.1.1 Cultural heritage
10.1.2 Natural heritage
10.1.3 The establishment of the Carpathian Network of Protected Areas (CNPA)
10.2.1 National bias in the management of cultural heritage
10.2.2 The "heritage" of the socialist period
10.2.3 Military cemeteries and monuments of World War I. and II.
10.2 Policy Recommendations On Specific Problems Of The Cultural And Natural Heritage
10.2.4 Sites of pilgrimage in the Carpathian area
10.3 Policy Recommendations On Specific Problems Of The Natural Heritage
10.3.1 Transboundary cooperation on protected areas
11 Transport in the Carpathian Area
11.1 Situation And Problems
11.1.1 The main transport indicatiors of Carpathian countries
11.2 Policy Recommendations For Transport Development For Carpathian Countries
11.2.1 Recommendations for local transport
11.2.2 Recommendations for regional and interregional transport in the Carpathians
11.2.3 Recommendations for international (cross border) transport in the region
12 Environment
12.1 Situation And Problems
12.2 Policy Recommendations For Environmental Protection
12.2.1 The preservation of primeval virgin forests
12.2.2 Waste and hazardous materials disposal
12.2.3 Transnational cooperation
13 Tourism in the Carpathian Area
13.1 Situation And Problems
13.1.1 Winter sports tourism
13.1.2 Rural (village) tourism
13.1.3 "Nostalgia" tourism
13.2 Policy Recommendations For Tourism In The Carpathian Region
13.2.1 To create conditions for sustainable tourism in the Carpathian region
13.2.2 The Via Carpathica
13.2.3 Reconstruction or development of Forest Railways for tourism purposes
14 European Territorial Cooperation Within The Carpathian Area
14.1 Situation And Problems
14.1.1 Bottom-up initiatives
14.1.2 Top-down initiatives
14.2 Policy Recommendations On Territorial Cooperation Programmes
15 Conclusions
16 Annex 1: Carpathian Convention
17 Annex 2: Ministerial Declaration of COP 1, Ukraine 2006
18 Annex 3: Ministerial Declaration of COP 2, Romania 2008
19 List of Figures
20 List of Tables
21 Acknowledgements

Címszavazva - GE

ER Archívum (2009/P-007)
First author
Borsa, Maciej