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von Gadow, K. & Hui, G. (1999): Modelling Forest Development. Forestry Sciences 47., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht


Modelling Forest Development
Klaus von Gadow
Gangying Hui

The key to successful timber management is a proper understanding of growth processes, and one of the objectives of modelling forest development is to provide the tools that enable foresters to compare alternative silvicultural treatments. In a managed woodland, the most important periodic disturbances are the thinning operations, which are often carried out at regular intervals and which usually have a significant effect on the future evolution of the resource. Thus, a realistic model of forest development includes both natural growth and thinnings. One of the outstanding features of this book is its inclusion of thinning models at varying levels of resolution and consideration of differences in forester's tree marking behaviour. Other interesting aspects include regional resource forecasting approaches, generalized stem taper functions, generalized diameter-height relations, new ways of describing and reproducing forest spatial structures, crown modeling and iterative competition modeling. Worked examples and code are provided where appropriate. The intended readership is graduate students.


Modelling Forest Development
Klaus von Gadow
Gangying Hui

1. Introduction
Types of Forest Models
Data Requirements
Permanent Plots
Temporary Plots
Interval Plots
2. Projecting Regional Timber Resources
Empirical Yield Functions
Fully Stocked Forests
Non-fully Stocked Forests
Yield Functions based on MAI Estimates
3. Modelling Stand Development
Anamorphic Height Models
Disjoint Polymorphic Height Models
Non-Disjoint Polymorphic Height Models
Basal Area
Potential Density
The limiting Line
Estimating Potential Density
Natural Decline of Stem Number
State-Space Models
Stand Volume and Product Yields
Thinning Models
Classical Description of Thinning Operations
Thinning Weight
Type of Thinning
4. Size Class Models
Diameter Growth
Projecting Diameter Distributions
Stand Table Projection
-Diameter Growth as a Function of Diameter
-Growth Modifiers
-Change of Relative Basal Area
-A Worked Example
-Transition Matrices
Diameter-Height Relations
Generalized Diameter-Height Relations
Bivariate Diameter-Height Distributions
Estimating Product Yields
Volume Ratio Methods
Modelling Stem Profiles: Form Quotients, Splines and Polynomials
Parameter-parsimonious Stem Profile Functions
Generalized Stem Profile Functions
Stem Quality Assessment and Prediction
Modelling Thinnings
Change of Distribution Parameters
Movement of the Diameter Distribution after Thinning
Separation Parameters
Modelling Foresters' Tree Selection Behaviour
5. Individual Tree Growth
Generating Spatial Structures
Variables for describing Spatial Structure
-Size Differentiation
-Species Segregation and Mingling
Using Structural Variables to generate Positions with Attributes
Competition Indices
Overlapping Influence Zones
Distance-weighted Size Ratios
Available Growing Space
Shading and Constriction
Spatial Growth Models
Spatial Thinning Models
6. Model Evaluation
Qualitative Evaluations
Quantitative Evaluations
-Characterizing Model Error
-Statistical Tests
List of Symbols

Címszavazva - GE

ER Archívum (1999/P-002)
First author
von Gadow, Klaus