ER-68 (HU)
Alsó-hegy Forest Reserve (Aggteleki-karszt)
core area: 112.8 ha; buffer zone: 116.5 ha; total area: 229.3 ha
"It is a hornbeam–oak stand with varying dynamics, which is the most characteristic forest association of the Tornai-karszt, but beech woodlands and oak stands, that are richer in light and drier, occur as well. It is a real, so-called mid-forest or rather the remainder formed by having abandoned it. The area and the tree stand is varied (patchy), suitable for investigations of forest dynamics."
Horváth és Bölöni (2002) Az ER-ok kutatásszempontú besorolása és rövid jellemzése 1999-ben [Classification and brief description of the forest reserves in 1999 from the viewpoint of research perspective]
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