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Mázsa, K., Balázs, B., Horváth, F., Bölöni, J. & Aszalós, R. (2008): Transition of a managed forest towards a natural one-forest history and stand survey study in an oak forest reserve. 6th European Conf. on Ecol. Restoration, Ghent, Belgium, 8-12/09/2008


Transition of a managed forest towards a natural one - forest history and stand survey study in an oak forest reserve
Mázsa K., Balázs B., Horváth F., Bölöni J., Aszalós R.

Pannonian oak woods (91G0), 91H0, 91M0) are the main forest types of the study area - the Várhegy Forest Reserve at Felsőtárkány, Hungary. In this study, our aim was to reconstruct the temporal and spatial variation of stand development in the previous 130 years. Land-use history documents from the past 130 years were analysed and compared with the results of a detailed field survey of forest stands. Four age classes were found for the main tree species - Quercus petraea, Qu. cerris, Qu. pubescens, Carpinus betulus, Fagus sylvatica, Fraxinus excelsior and Acer campestre. The most important impacts in this area were the change from forest management (cutting system) to abandonment, and oak decline, which induced natural regeneration processes. Our database and case study give example for the transition of an oak forest after cutting management, and provide lessons for future climate forest restoration.


91M0, 91G0, 91H0, land use change, oak decline, forest regeneration, restoration of wilderness areas, biodiversity policy, forest reserve

Címszavazva - GE

ER Archívum (2008/P-006)
Strict forest reserves
First author
Mázsa Katalin