Csapody, I. & Jakucs, P. (1982): The relationship between Hungarian forestry research and vegetation research. In: Jahn, G. (ed.): Handbook of Vegetation Science Part 12: 225-266., Dr. W. Junk Publishers, The Hague/Boston/London


The relationship between Hungarian forestry research and vegetation research
I. Csapody and P. Jakucs

A short characterization of the forestry conditions in Hungary
The history of the sylvicultural application of the body of vegetation knowledge
Man fields of applications
Typological systems
Mapping of forest vegetation and of forest type
Regional forest cultivation (forestry regions)
Planning of forest cultivation
Rationalization of the tending of stands
Districts designated for seed collection and the management of genepool preservation
The ecological basis of the wild animal economy
Vegetation and wood production researches
Vegetation research and nature conservancy

Címszavazva - GE

ER Archívum (1982/P-001)
First author
Csapody I.