Publications in ER Archive

The "Publications" and "Manuscripts, documents" are separately managed collections of the Forest Reserve Programme Archive (ER Archive). We are gathering here the publications related to the aims of the Forest Reserve Programme.

Réka Aszalós et al. (2012): Accurate prediction of ice disturbance in European deciduous forests with generalized linear models: a comparison of field-based and airborne-based approaches. Eur J Forest Res 131: 1905-1915. 2012
Ortmann-Ajkai, A., G., Csicsek (2012): Why a dominant native tree species cannot regenerate in natural-like conditions. Presentation, EVS, Wien 2012
Magyar Közlöny (2012). Magyarország hivatalos lapja; 128. szám, 2012. 2012
Canullo R, Allegrini C-M, Campetella G (2012): Reference field manual for vegetation surveys on the conecofor LII network National programme of forest ecosystems control-unece ICP forests. Braun-Blanquetia, Camerino, 2012
Horváth, F., A Bidló, B. Heil et al. (2012): Abandonment status and long-term monitoring of strict forest reserves in the Pannonian biogeographical region. Plant Biosystems 146(1): 189-200. 2012
Wilson J. Baston: The twelve theories of co-existence in plant communities: the doubtful, the important and the unexplored. Journal of vegetation Science, 22: (184-195), 2011 2011
Wilson, I. Bastow (2011): The twelve theories of co-existence in plant communities: the doubtful, the important and the unexplored; Journal of Vegetation Science, 22: (184-195) 2011
Goetsch, Ch, J Wigg, AA Royo, T Ristau, WP Carson (2011) Chronic over browsing and biodiversity collaps in a forest understory in Pennsylvania: Results from a 60 year-old deer exclusion plot. The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society. 138 (2): 220-224 2011
M.Barna, J. Kulfan, E. Bublinec (2011): Buk a bukové ekosystémy Slovenska (Beech and Beech Ecosystems of Slovakia) Veda, Vydavatel'stvo Slovenskej akademie vied; Bratislava. 2011
Ódor, P. & Standovár, T. (2011): Beech forests in Hungary - their status and researches on their biological values. BfN-Skripten 297: 107-115. 2011
Hirka A. (szerk.) (2011): A 2010. évi biotikus és abiotikus erdőgazdasági károk, valamint a 2011-ben várható károsítások. ERTI Erdővédelmi Osztály, Mátrafüred 2011
Jasík, M. & Polák, P. (eds.)(2011): Pralesy Slovenska. FSC Slovensko, Banská Bystrica, 228 p. 2011
Kozak, J., Björnsen Gurung, A. & Ostapowicz, K. (eds.)(2011): S4C (Science for the Carpathians) - Research Agenda for the Carpathians: 2010-2015. Kraków 2011
Szmorad F. (2011): A Soproni-hegység erdeinek történeti, növényföldrajzi és cönológiai vizsgálata. Tilia 16: 205 pp. + mellékletek 2011
Machar, I. (2011): Historical development of floodplain forest geobiocenoses within the agricultural alluvial landscape. Proceedings from international conference proceedings, Viničné, 14-16th March 2011, Slovakia, pp: 65-77. 2011
Tanács Eszter (2011): Az erdőszerkezet tér-és időbeli mintázatainak vizsgálata a Haragistya-Lófej erdőrezervátum (Aggteleki-karszt) területén. Doktori értekezés, SZTE TTK, Szeged, 2011
Manes, F., Ricotta, C., Salvatori, E., Bajocco, S. & Blasi, C. (2010): A multiscale analysis of canopy structure in Fagus sylvatica L. and Quercus cerris L. old-growth forests in the Cilento and Vallo di Diano Nat. Park. Plant Biosystems 144(1): 202-210. 2010
European Environment Agency (2010): 10 messages for 2010 - Forest ecosystems. Copenhagen 2010
Raudsepp-Hearne, C. et al. (2010): Untangling the Environmentalist's Paradox: Why Is Human Well-being Increasing as Ecosystem Services Degrade? BioScience 60(8): 576-589. 2010
Salamon-Albert, É. & Lörincz, P. (2010): Coenological status of the Iris meadows in Hungary. Annali di Botanica (Roma) 0: 123-128. 2010